Kelly Thiel

What Does Glorious Mean To You?

What Does Glorious Mean To You? ✨

What is Glorious?

I am often asked about the title of my book Unapologetically Glorious and the meaning behind the word glorious.

According to Webster’s dictionary, one definition is: “Marked by great beauty or splendor; magnificence.”

Glorious in my book title is not in reference to me, but to humanity.

I believe that every human in their own perfectly imperfect way has direct access to their own magnificence.

Grab Your Copy of Unapologetically Glorious

As a seeker for most of my life, I have traveled to places like Tibet and the Philippines searching for a way to be a better version of myself. I was fortunate enough to meet and be blessed by the Dalai Lama while he was in California. I have worked with healers, shamans, and monks all in an effort to be a better person—a more enlightened human being.

Eventually, I joined NXIVM, because I thought I had found a community of like-minded people who had the same goal.

Oh boy, was I mistaken!!

Now having since survived a full-blown cult experience and after much therapy, I have come to terms with my past and the ability to own my story without shame or blame. However, the biggest epiphany I had, was that the key to being a better human does not reside in any country, person or organization. It resides in me. And it always has.

I believe that our ability to demonstrate goodness is a reflection of the true essence of who we truly are. However, for many of us, struggle and trauma in life can oppress our God-given glorious essence into submission. It can get bulled into animosity, fear, and hopelessness.

I see glorious as the very best and most magical part of us. It is our light and it is our goodness.

Within each and every one of us lies:

  • Compassion
  • Joy
  • Truth
  • Wisdom
  • Forgiveness
  • Kindness
  • Generosity
  • Love
  • Hope
  • Acceptance

All of this goodness is right here. Right now. All it takes is the awareness to claim it. It is super easy to choose goodness when you are experiencing a blissful Hallmark Christmas moment. But what do you grasp for in the challenging moments that make up so much of life?

I see the glorious part of us like a big golden tool bag of sorts that dwells within us.

These tools (see above list) are the key to our human goodwill and make us capable of being magnificent beings. This glorious part of us holds all the stuff of gurus and peace leaders. It is always at the ready.

All you have to do is decide to reach in and pull out the very best of you. Choose it and you can be it.

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Until then, be glorious!